Our Funders
Friends of Howwood park have received financial support to help us take forward our vision for Howwood Park.
Below is a list of organisations who have provided us with funding, for whom we are extremely grateful for their financial assistance;
Renfrewshire Council - Green Spaces, Parks and Play Areas Fund
Greater Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Local Action Group
LEADER Renfrewshire
Persimmon Homes
Peoples Postcode Trust
Paths for All
Renfrewshire Council - Community Empowerment Fund
Magic Little Grants
Scotland Loves Local
Celebrating Renfrewshire
Scottish Government Acts of Kindness Fund
Action Earth Funding
The Corra Foundation
Clubs in Crisis supported by Made By Sport
Renfrewshire Council - Village Improvement Fund
Glasgow Airport Flightpath Fund
Arnold Clark Community Fund
Tesco Community Grants